Compositions and Arrangements

Du bist die Ruh

ID: SM-000339772
CompositorFranz Schubert
Arrajador Eckhard Deppe
Ano de composição 2015
Gênero Clássico / Instrumental
chave Dó (C) maior
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
duração 4'20"
dificuldade Difficult
descripção Eine Klavier-Version von Franz Schuberts Lied 'Du bist die Ruh'. Schubert vertonte dieses Gedicht von Friedrich Rückert 1823. Es ist eines seiner bekanntesten und sicherlich eines seiner schönsten Lieder.
This is a piano solo version of ’Du bist die Ruh’. Franz Schubert set this poem of Friedrich Rückert to music in 1823. Its one of Schubert most famous and certainly one of his most beautiful songs. The mp3-file contains the piece played by the author.
data de postagem 19.08.2018


Sheet music file
3.95 USD
PDF, 262.4 Kb (6 p.)


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